"I’m not a person that has been trained to think only in terms of markets and cost benefits, and input output, but rather in terms of a living family wage. Which is a moral idea not an economic idea. And the moral idea is — is that everyone who works is worthy to earn enough to support a family…
"And I think that’s very relevant to the debates in Sacramento and Washington where even now, attempts to regulate the dangerous marketplace, because when it fails, it causes so such suffering. Even these modest attempts are being resisted – ferociously – by the same individuals and the same spirit I think, that has caused such havoc.
“And, so, I’m not going to evoke religion on the side of one party and one candidacy, but I certainly draw on the wealth of experience and teaching and inspiration that I’ve received, not only in going to catholic schools, but also in spending time in the seminary and also later in life spending a great deal of time with various theologians and spiritual leaders.
- In some circles, isn't the idea pushed in the first paragraph called communism?
- Hiding behind his catholic school education to claim moral superiority in redistributing wealth is somehow undermined by his unwavering support for abortion, no?
- Bringing up catholicism when convenient is just sleazy.
- The Golden State will be forever tarnished if this man wins the governorship. I mean seriously. We don't need the same reactionary forces in place. Jerry Brown, full-time perpetual bureaucrat, exemplifies those forces.
Unfortunately, I don't have much faith in the wisdom of Californians, and we might as well be looking at the next governor of California.
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