Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Things I missed while I played with the iPad

  • The Republicans voted against cloture on the Democrats' finance reform bill. I don't know if I'm more shocked about Ben Nelson voting with them, or that the Maine senators (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins) also voted with them. It's not over, of course. How many times did we declare health care reform dead, only for it to rise again and again, until it finally ate whatever brains the liberals had left? Which brings me to…
  • The Obama administration sat on the CMS report regarding the economic impact of health care reform until after the house passed the bill. No matter how I look at it, that's really really bad. What were they thinking? Were they thinking? Oh, I forgot. It's the arrogance. They think they can get away with anything because of the compliant mainstream media. Now I'm just sad. For the country.
  • Immigration law opponents riot in Arizona, and the media dozes. I saw the video on Fox News of the cop who was hit with a water bottle in the head. Apparently, it's only bad if Tea Partiers do it (not that they've ever done anything like it!). Maybe next time we have a Tea Party, we should pretend to be illegal immigrants and thrash the entire place while assaulting peace officers. Then maybe the media will finally be sympathetic to the Tea Party.
  • Via Ace of Spades, the Arizona law requires a justifiable stop or detention before the provision about checking papers on reasonable suspicion of illegal status kicks in (that's pretty much lifted wholesale from AOS; how many different ways are there to say the same thing anyway?). So much for the hyperventilating. It's funny that Democrats don't read the bills they're for, and they don't read the bills they're against either. Did they all go to the same failing school or something?
  • Jon Stewart goes after the murderous bullies that went after South Park. What can I say? Except good for him, and he's showing more balls than the wimpy mainstream media. The MSM reminds me of the guy who lost his watch in the dark. He spends his time looking for it under the lamppost because that's where the light is. So they look at the Tea Parties and desperately try to find any acts of violence. Meanwhile, Muslim extremists threaten and murder artists and illegal immigrants assault police officers, but everything is hunkydory. Bastards.
  • The ash cloud that grounded thousands of flights turned out to be another computer modeling artifact, just like global warming. Satellite images show that the ash clouds were largely non-existent over Britain, which based the decision to ban flights on Met Office computer models. This doesn't bode well for the "Trust the Government" campaign.

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